How many times have you come across invitations of attending great management conventions or seminars on how to go about growing your business. I guess loads…! And invariably such lectures are from successful known entrepreneurs’ – big names of the business world. The much more of a bigger name – the larger the audience.
Friends, we are aware that all businesses face infinite variables in their life journey. If I have to broadly classify them – they would be of two categories:
a) Variables / reasons which take the business to the top &
b) Variables/ reasons that pull the business down.
When we hear lectures from successful entrepreneurs – we tend to listen to the variables marked (a)…whereas it would have been prudent to know variables marked (b) and avoid making mistakes. If businesses avoid making mistakes – they would survive longer only improving their chances of becoming successful.
What if I have to opine that all successful entrepreneurs actually adopted this technique of not doing the wrong things and therefore survived to become big. The same successful entrepreneurs, while in lecture mode – tend to talk about ways of doing things differently, what techniques to adopt which made them successful.…their list of “WHAT TO DO” might go on & on…(till someone from the host comes and says “Sir, time for the next speaker”). Nowhere do they say what is “NOT TO BE DONE”.…because frankly, they don’t know. It will be the unsuccessful person who has faced this music.
Better alternative therefore would be to call the #Unsuccessful entrepreneurs to lecture in such management conventions to deliver a talk on what pinned them down. It might be more useful for budding entrepreneurs. Unfortunately, no one wants to hear an Unsuccessful person. Which means we will keep hearing loads of lectures on management, growth etc and still keep seeing businesses fail. Nature’s rule of averaging on play…
So, friends, lets’ look out for sessions where the talk is delivered by unsuccessful entrepreneurs…It might genuinely help.
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